We are committed to serving individuals with special needs and we offer additional classes through our partnership with Bethel Ridge in Basking Ridge. Bethel Ridge’s mission is to provide comprehensive community-based support for individuals with developmental disabilities.
Special needs classes at Bethel Ridge are designed to ensure that each individual becomes a contributing member of his/her community. Classes are taught by a certified special educator or employment specialist, and class size is small to maximize the potential for success. We serve students ages 14 years and above. Classes include basic cooking, creative arts & crafts, math & daily budgeting, basic computer use, reading, driving (review of NJ Drivers Manual only), tutoring, yoga and more.
For more information about classes offered at the “Learning Center” at Bethel Ridge, please visit or call 908 221 0801.
In 1994, Somerset Hills YMCA was gifted a 5.5 acre parcel of land adjacent to the Mount Airy branch. Through grants and community support, we built a home for adults with developmental disabilities to offer them the opportunity to live, laugh and learn as independent adults. The home was named in honor of Melissa Riggio, a strong and optimistic young woman who was born with Down Syndrome. Melissa worked at the Y in the administrative office and also in the Wellness Center. In 2008, Melissa passed away, at the age of 20, after a courageous battle with leukemia. We are proud to partner with Our House, Inc. as the service provider to the residents of the Melissa Riggio Residence, to offer this house as a service to our community.
For more information about Our House, Inc., please call 908 464 8008 or visit