Annual Campaign
As a leading nonprofit, community benefit organization, the Y is uniquely positioned to enrich individual lives while bringing people together. That is what makes the Y so special: the Y is where community thrives.
At Greater Somerset County YMCA, our commitment to equity and the steadfast belief that everyone deserves the resources and opportunities that lead to a healthy, connected life are what fuels our mission. Since 1873, Greater Somerset County YMCA has been addressing important social issues that affect our children, families, health, and neighbors. The Y is a vital, trusted, and respected community asset. With the help of many, we respond to critical needs with emphasis on marginalized, under-resourced, and under-served populations.
Our Annual Campaign provides funding for financial assistance and community program support to ensure access to vital programs and services. Our member dues and program fees support everyday operations. However, Greater Somerset County YMCA’s mission-work relies on individuals, partners, businesses, and grant funders for philanthropic support, which is necessary to sustain financial assistance, charitable services, and provide access to people of all income levels. Awards for child care and school age child care allow single and dual-working parents to work with peace of mind. Camp scholarships provide kids with the opportunity to unleash the adventure in their hearts while building lifelong friends and memories. Membership awards and program assistance empower individuals and families to pursue their interests and stay healthy – regardless of an inability to pay. In addition to direct financial assistance, we offer mission-based programs that meet critical, unmet community needs.
A gift to the Y:
- Inspires children and teens to reach their full potential
- Empowers individuals of all ages to improve health and well-being
- Uplift neighbors who struggle financially, emotionally, and/or physically
Thank you for considering a gift to your community, through the Y.
Endowment Fund
Our wonderful volunteers, who are ambassadors of the Y’s mission, have played a significant and vital role in helping us to build our endowment fund to over $4 million in the last 3 years. We are grateful to everyone who has contributed to building the foundation for future growth.
The Endowment is a permanent fund and a vital source of ongoing support for Greater Somerset County YMCA. Endowment principal is not spent. It is carefully managed to yield a steady, reliable and perpetual stream of funding that is independent of operating revenue and other fluctuating income sources. Through prudent investment and judicious stewardship, the purchasing power of endowed funds grows over time.
Endowment income provides financial stability and allows a community service organization, like our Y, to pursue and implement long range planning initiatives with confidence – to continue to offer financial assistance to those who can’t afford program and membership fees, to fund important mission-based programs, to expand our outreach to underserved members of the community, and more.
In short, the Endowment Fund, with major donor support, will be the vital bridge from today to tomorrow, filling the void and ensuring that the Y is here for good.
Greater Somerset County YMCA:
Annual Campaign:
Community Newsletters
- Donor Newsletter – 2024 Issue 4
- Donor Newsletter – 2024 Issue 3
- Donor Newsletter – 2024 Issue 2
- Donor Newsletter – 2024 Issue 1
- Donor Newsletter – 2023, Issue 3
- Donor Newsletter – 2023, Issue 2
- Donor Newsletter – 2023, Issue 1
- Donor Newsletter – 2022 Issue 3
- Donor Newsletter – 2022 Issue 2
- Donor Newsletter – 2022 Issue 1